all postcodes in NE30 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE30 3AA 42 0 55.029762 -1.439606
NE30 3AB 7 0 55.029343 -1.440362
NE30 3AD 5 0 55.028883 -1.439884
NE30 3AE 7 0 55.02878 -1.44098
NE30 3AF 32 0 55.030238 -1.441461
NE30 3AG 16 0 55.031581 -1.442381
NE30 3AH 48 0 55.029792 -1.444189
NE30 3AJ 8 0 55.029317 -1.442428
NE30 3AL 11 0 55.028783 -1.441653
NE30 3AN 41 0 55.028973 -1.443794
NE30 3AQ 32 0 55.030919 -1.443047
NE30 3AS 38 5 55.028456 -1.44682
NE30 3AW 1 0 55.028747 -1.445658
NE30 3AX 43 0 55.028912 -1.448253
NE30 3AY 19 0 55.029711 -1.44807
NE30 3AZ 39 0 55.029931 -1.445126
NE30 3BA 24 0 55.030994 -1.443672
NE30 3BB 32 0 55.03103 -1.445611
NE30 3BD 17 0 55.031458 -1.444886
NE30 3BE 8 0 55.031848 -1.445678